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Mother's Day Gift Guide: The Best Gifts For Outdoorsy Moms Who Love To Camp

Though there's a good chance most states will still be sheltering in place on Mother's Day, Americans will probably be able to start getting outside a bit more come June. That makes the May 10th holiday a perfect time to buy her some new outdoor gear, especially since hiking, backpacking, and camping are all about getting away from people and finding space to oneself. It's quite easy to maintain six feet of distance when camping, especially if she prefers to hike to campsites or camp in forest land and other non-designated areas.

The other great thing about camping is that she can do it anywhere – including the backyard. So even if shelter-in-place restrictions are still in place when she's anxious to get outside, she can pitch a tent and sleep under the stars at home. While camping in the backyard isn't quite as adventurous as heading out on the trails, it can be a great way to introduce kids to sleeping in tents and get them excited about future camping and hiking trips.

If the mom in your life can't wait to get out in nature, treat her this Mother's Day to one of the gifts below, perfect for moms who value their time in the great outdoors.



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