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How the Outside Keeps You Healthy?

Working outdoors makes me feel fantastic and I love nothing more than seeing my clients getting out of the gym and raising a sweat outdoors. 

Yes, these are odd times, when getting some natural light is trickier, but more important than ever. The weather this weekend looks promising, but please be sure to follow government guidelines and help support the NHS. Get your fresh air in a responsible way that doesn’t put yourself or others at risk.

And now, here’s the science behind the benefits of your time outdoors.

Sunlight exposure and Vitamin D

The most well-known benefit of sunlight exposure is that it drives up Vitamin D in our bodies. Vitamin D is important for calcium regulation and ensures healthy bones, teeth and muscles. Public Health England recommends a daily dose of 10 micrograms, which can be sourced from foods, e.g. oily fish and red meat, fortified products e.g. dairy replacements, supplementation and of course, through sunlight.

Between April and September we are able to achieve the recommended daily dose of Vitamin D by spending time in sunlight. The British Skin Foundation suggests that for people with lighter skin, this is 10-15 minutes per day and for those with darker skin, this is 25-40 minutes per day.

With adequate sun protection, this is a fantastic benefit of spending time outdoors. It is worth noting that during the winter months in the UK, we need to think about sourcing vitamin D from our diets and through supplementation. That is, unless you are lucky enough to spend the winter months in sunnier locations.

Sunlight and our internal body clock

Did you know that daily exposure to sunlight also helps us to set our internal body clock? Our internal body clock is a collection of over 20,000 nerve cells in an area of the brain called the hypothalamus. Natural light, which stimulates light receptors at the back of the eye, sets this internal body clock. What is generated is a circadian rhythm, which is important for sleep, metabolism and our mood.

Our circadian rhythm can be disrupted by spending long periods of time indoors and by exposing ourselves to artificial, ‘blue’ light during the evenings from their phones or tablet screens. Guilty? So are most people living in western world, who spend a reported 90% of their time indoors. The circadian rhythm can also be disrupted by jet lag, by working shifts, and having altered sleep patterns each day.


We can rectify this and reset our circadian rhythm by increasing our daily exposure to natural light. This can be achieved by simple changes to our daily schedule e.g. organising an outdoor walking meeting, or reclaiming your lunch break and taking a walk outside. Every little helps, as the research suggests that it is the accumulation of light exposure that is important, rather than the intensity.

Now, what if sunlight is pretty hard to come by? Is there any benefit to being outdoors in less appealing weather?

Spending time in nature, whatever the weather, has a huge range of benefits on our physical and mental health. I could reel off countless examples of moments spent in nature, when I feel more calm, more connected to the people I am with and refreshed.

The natural environment helps us to be more active...

What is also interesting is that in natural environments, we are more likely to engage in physical activity that is planned and recreational e.g. hiking and climbing, compared to physical activity for the purposes of travel, or commuting to work in urban environments. These activities have a greater impact on our health and wellbeing due to the higher intensity of physical exertion. It also matters that when you are active outdoors and having fun, you are taking the conscious decision to spend  time away from work and other stressful life commitments.







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