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How Do You Clear a Scuba Mask?

After breathing, there is perhaps no skill more fundamental than mask clearing. While other skills, such as gear assembly, are a requisite part of getting in the water, they technically could be done by someone else (although this is not recommended). Mask clearing, however, is a solo skill, and the inability to perform it will easily ruin a dive.

Once mastered, this is a skill you will use immensely. I frequently perform mask clearing not just when water leaks in, but also when I insufficiently apply to defog. Mask fog can ruin an otherwise good dive, but with, ahem, fluid mask clearing skills, one can quickly and easily remove fog as it appears and continue with the dive.

The Steps

Mask clearing can be broken down into 3 simple steps:



Mask clearing steps

Let's go over each step:

While the steps are simple, this can be a challenging skill, mostly due to the unpleasant sensation of having water on your nose and face before clearing. Like most things, repetition will increase comfort levels and reduce stress, leading to more relaxed diving.

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