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Choosing the Right Bike

Choosing the Right Bike

The right bike can be the difference between a mediocre experience and an adventure of a lifetime. With so many choices available, how do you know which bike is for you? Let’s break down the process of choosing the right bike so that your bike choosing experience is a good one!

Where Are You Going?

The first step is asking yourself, “where will I be going?” Will you be riding to and from work? Biking paved trails around the neighborhood? Or maybe you want to carve your own path through the wilderness? With the number of bikes on the market, by answering this question, you will be able to narrow your search.


Types of Bikes

Depending on your answer, you can now start narrowing down your choices. While there are some specific specialty bikes, in general, there are four types of bikes that you should look at.

Gear and More

The last step is accessorizing both you and the bike. While there are plenty of accessories to choose from, the most important is the bike helmet. Choose a bike helmet that is comfortable for you to stay safe while biking. Also consider accessories such as water bottle holders, reflectors or lights, and baskets.

Choosing the right bike can be a daunting task. However, by understanding your needs, the different types of bikes, and how to get the best fit, you can choose with confidence. From getting you to and from work, riding in the park, or traveling the mountain trails, you have a bike that fits your need and can take you on your next adventure.










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